Dieter Kasper (Fujitsu)
Persistent Memory as a Game Changer for a Data-Centric World
Since four decades all Operating System and Application Development is built on the foundation of the Memory – Disk relationship. The introduction of persistent memory in the standard hardware will lead to a disruptive change in application design as we can only see once in an IT career. In this talk, the technology will be presented together with the environment in which it is embedded to discuss the expectations and challenges associated with it. Finally, an outlook is given on what future directions are conceivable.
Speaker Biography
Dieter Kasper serves as CTO Enterprise Platform Services of Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH since 2016. With over 30 years’ experience in Enterprise IT, he has been elected as Fujitsu Fellow in 2017. Dieter is responsible for understanding and predicting IT trends that benefit customers most, as well as for their implementation in the Fujitsu’s Mainframe strategy. His current focus is on the areas of Digital Transformation, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Persistent Memory.